Where have all the “radical believers” from the Charismatic Revivals gone? Aren’t there any Christians left who are committed to the rewilding of faith? Didn’t we embark on a mission to reclaim a church that is vibrant, unpredictable, and truly alive - where love and justice flourish beyond the fences of convention?
Read MoreAdvent 2024: "Hope" with Roy Uprichard
Making peace with the incomplete. https://tinyurl.com/ykwwads5
Read MoreMyth, Legend and Meaning: Joseph and the multifaceted path of Grace
Now his brothers had gone to graze their father’s flocks near Shechem, and Israel said to Joseph, “As you know, your brothers are grazing the flocks near Shechem. Come, I am going to send you to them.”
Read MoreMyth, Legend and Meaning: That time when Isaac really was sacrificed
The nation of Israel was divided into two nations, and they told their origin stories in different ways. What happens when the redactor starts to put them together after the border collapses?
Read MoreA new mythos: Exploring an Emerging God (part two)
Is 40:26 "Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name.”
With knowledge of “emergence”, this becomes something like:
Lift up your eyes and see the cosmic diversity that has arisen from almost nothing. See how these celestial fire giants die out one by one, giving rise to ever more complex, powerful and beautiful realities. See how their rich dust pools into new forms of life - bringing into existence entirely new realms of being. What is emerging from all these? The divine presence of God, who the stars call forth one by one by name.
A new mythos: Exploring an Emerging God (part one)
“I have now seen the One who sees me.”
Read MoreMyth, Legend and Meaning: The legend of Abraham
“I have now seen the One who sees me.”
Read MoreMyth, Legend and Meaning: The Binding of Isaac
Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
Read MoreMyth, Legend and Meaning: Cain and Abel
Cain and Abel weren't the only feuding brothers in the ancient world.
Read MoreMyth, Legend and Meaning: Adam, Eve and the Automation of Prejudice
“Most peoples of the world are concerned with how things came into being. Creation stories contain within them a conception of the natural or initial order of things. By articulating how things were in the beginning … they make a basic statement about their relationship with nature and about their perception of the source of power in the universe.” ~ Peggy Reeves Sanday
Read MoreMyth, Legend and Meaning: It will be a long time
The imagery is clear - the Temple may have been lost, but there’s a new way of thinking about reality. What if the whole earth was God’s temple - and we humans were the image of God in that Global Temple?
Now it doesn’t matter where we are - we still hold serenity in our hearts and we are invulnerable because we can never really be taken away from our God ever again.
Read MoreMyth, Legend and Meaning: Let There Be Light
“Tell how at the first gods and earth came to be, and rivers, and the boundless sea with its raging swell, and the gleaming stars, and the wide heaven above, and the gods who were born of them. In truth, at first Chaos came to be, but next wide-bosomed Earth, called Gaia”
Read MoreAfter The Fall: Part Three
“Spiritual emptiness doesn’t lead to resignation or depression; on the contrary, it gives hope and frees us from the anxiety of having to be in control. Some people can’t fly in an airplane because it asks for a degree of trust they can’t muster. Similarly, some people can’t be religious because they feel such a strong need to know and to be in control. The solution is to tread more lightly on the earth, to be more hollow than solid, to trust more and to believe less.”
Read MoreAfter The Fall: Part Two
“I've spent my whole life searching desperately To find out that grace requires nothing of me” ~ “One” by Sleeping At Last
Read MoreAfter The Fall: Part One
“First the fall, and then the recovery from the fall, and both are the mercy of God.” ~ Julian of Norwich
Read MoreHallelujah Anyway
Turns out your enemies might not “get what’s coming to them after all”. Even worse, God might love them instead. No wonder the early believers were roundly mocked for worshipping such a supposedly weak God.
Read MoreAccepting Salvation
But if we only understand the incarnation as what happened long ago when Jesus walked the earth, and we don’t learn to universalise that truth into to seeing the incarnated God present in every face we see, then all we have is junk religion and we have not been liberated.
Read MoreLiberally Conservative
“But we never really wanted freedom did we? We just wanted to know what the rules were so we could figure out how to win the game.”
Read MoreActs 2: The Spirit helps the believers find their voice
I’m suggesting that maybe the outpouring or coming of the Holy Spirit available to ALL people is the central point of the New Testament.
Read MoreLet Go and Stay Where You Are
Like Dumbo the elephant releasing the feather in mid air, we have to let go of the earthly Jesus if we are ever to fully realise that we could fly all along. The symbolism of the feather is important, but it only really works when we let go of it.
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