No Biblical Precedent? That’s the whole Point!

Where have all the “radical believers” from the Charismatic Revivals gone? Aren’t there any Christians left who are committed to the rewilding of faith? Didn’t we embark on a mission to reclaim a church that is vibrant, unpredictable, and truly alive - where love and justice flourish beyond the fences of convention?

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A new mythos: Exploring an Emerging God (part two)

Is 40:26 "Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name.”

With knowledge of “emergence”, this becomes something like:

Lift up your eyes and see the cosmic diversity that has arisen from almost nothing. See how these celestial fire giants die out one by one, giving rise to ever more complex, powerful and beautiful realities. See how their rich dust pools into new forms of life - bringing into existence entirely new realms of being. What is emerging from all these? The divine presence of God, who the stars call forth one by one by name.

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Let Go and Stay Where You Are

Like Dumbo the elephant releasing the feather in mid air, we have to let go of the earthly Jesus if we are ever to fully realise that we could fly all along. The symbolism of the feather is important, but it only really works when we let go of it.

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