By Andrew Cunning
A four week series of interactive workshops designed to teach you the basics of how to engage with theological thinking.
A four week series of interactive workshops designed to teach you the basics of how to engage with theological thinking. Places are limited to twelve participants, so early booking is advised. The cost of this course is £40 for the four weeks. (Harbour will be happy to offer a 50% subsidy for low-income or unemployed applicants - just ask when you email)
Wednesday 13 October ~ Session 1: The Ongoing Conversation
In this session we look at how people talk ‘about’ theology, and how people talk ‘in’ theology, and we examine our own starting points: where we are in the conversation and what we uniquely bring to it.
Wednesday 20 October ~ Session 2: The Sources of Theology
In this session we go back to basics. What are we talking about when we talk about theology? What is someone ‘doing’ when they ‘do theology’? How might we do it too? Through exploring the four sources of theology (Reason, Experience, Scripture and Tradition) and examining their relationship, this session sets us up to ‘do theology’ in our own way.
Wednesday 27 October ~ Session 3: Using Texts
Building on Session Two, this week we turn to how we read, why we need texts and, possibly, why sometimes we don’t. In this session we look closely at how the Bible is positioned within our own theology, with an eye to exploring why the Bible has been dominant in much theology done in NI.
Wednesday 03 November ~ Session 4: Theology and the Senses
In the final session we bring our whole person to the task of theology, heart, soul, mind and strength. We will deliberately and intentionally bring sensory experience to the foreground this week as we explore how our bodies, memories, desires and stories can be invaluable foundations for our theological thinking.
Please email Andrew to book a place: or click here for more info: