After the Fall: Explorations of Faith After Deconstruction
Part Three: The Holy Trinity of emotion
We know what it's like to feel alienated from a religious faith you once took for granted. This is sometimes called "deconstruction", and many Christians have experienced it.
This doesn't mean you have to abandon your faith. In fact, if you stop and look down, you may even find your feet already walking the yellow brick road back to the renewed and vibrant spirituality you never saw the first time round.
Over the next four Sunday mornings (28 July - 11 August) we'll be hosting a series of talks with Andrew Cunning on exactly this topic.
If you're curious about faith after deconstruction, feel free to join us any Sunday from 11am for a warm welcome and space to breathe again.
“First the fall, and then the recovery from the fall, and both are the mercy of God.” ~ Julian of Norwich