Experience vs Dogma - "The Bells That Still Can Ring" Session 2

How often have you been told not to trust your “feelings” or your own experience when it comes to the life of faith? Should we really be trying to make our own experience of God submit to codified religion or dogma? Brendan doesn’t think so.

“In one of his many arresting statements, Jesus advised: “Truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”

Jesus knew what he was talking about; such integrity led him to the cross.

It can also lead us to liberation.

Many dogmas, confessions and articles of faith have stifled creativity, preventing us from owning and embracing our experiences of the Divine.

They need to ‘fall into the earth’.

So too, do the commands, decrees and regulations that have blighted countless lives through centuries.

The culture of Christendom that still pervades Christian thinking needs to be buried.

It is time to die. That we might rise... and bear new fruit.”